
Museums today, we have decided to try the Castle museum first.  http://www.yorkcastlemuseum.org.uk/Page/Index.aspx 

It appears that most if not all the attraction in York cost around £9.00, including the Museums, all that is except The National Railway Museum, which is free, although they ask for a donation of £3.00. To get around these prices, you can purchase a Yorkshire pass, 1, 2 or 3 days, which saves you around £44.00 each. That's alot to take in, in 3 days. You can also elect for the come back any time within 12 months, as we have for others including the Minster.

You also have to like kids, they are everywhere, its almost end of term and the schools are spewing them out into the streets ,parks and museums.

The Castle Museum is great value for money with lots to see, the Victorian street, and apparently once an Edwardian one now used to display memorabilia of the 60's. The TV shows and the music, very nostalgic. I was particularly interrested in the prison display, which includes referrence to Dick Turpin. http://www.stand-and-deliver.org.uk/highwaymen/dick_turpin.htm

Dick Turpins grave
Who was imprisoned, hanged and burried in York.